Mission Statement
The Plainview Area History Center is committed to telling the stories and preserving the history of people and events of the Plainview area, believing an understanding of the past will enrich our present and future.
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This is the intersection of what is now 4th St (formerly Jefferson Street) and Broadway if you were looking north.
On the left behind the tree is the J.R. Watkins' house at its original location. If you'd like more information on the Watkins' house please click here. To the right of the trees are J.H. Eggers Jewelry and the White Star Restaurant, which housed boarders in the upper level. The location has also been the site of the International Harvester Implement dealership, the Jon Hassler Theater, and currently Common Sense Development, a solar power consulting firm. Across the street is the Landon and Burchard Drug Store. The small part to the right of it was a soda fountain. The building was torn down and the current building used to house Sents department store, then the Plainview Area Youth Center, and currently the Plainview Area Community Center. Continuing down the block the buildings have pretty much stayed the same until the small white building towards the end of the block. That building was a saloon, which was torn down in 1927. It currently houses H&R Block. A couple buildings down from that was yet another saloon. This building was torn down and the space it occupied was turned into the drive in for People's State Bank when it was on Broadway. The old People's State Bank building, now housing Broadway Video and Fitness, was originally three businesses. The tall portion was an Erding's Brother Saloon, the left hand portion was the post office, and the portion at the end of the block was the Sylvester Bank.
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